Our Daily Salvation

Show us Your steadfast love, O LORD, and grant us Your salvation. Psalm 85:7

There is the once-for-all-time salvation that we have when we trust in Jesus, in His life, death, burial and resurrection. This trust and the salvation that comes from it by God’s grace is of “first importance” (1 Cor. 15:3-4). Nothing can add to it, nothing can be taken away from it. So why would the psalmist, who is already in relationship with God, ask for Him to “grant us Your salvation”?

I think that though there is the once-for-all salvation that we know in Christ, there is also a day-by-day salvation that we need. We need to be saved

  • from our faults and weaknesses

  • from our fears and anxieties

  • from our struggles with our faith

  • from our faithlessness

  • from ourselves

And the list goes on and on… We need a daily salvation.

Both our original salvation and our daily salvation spring from the same place. They are poured out on us and into us from our steadfast, loving God. To Him be the glory forever.


Whose glory?


Remember and trust